Church bellringing in the Salisbury Diocese

First Quarter Peal Honours

The Shipton Gorge band continues to demonstrate its commitment to ringing with the award of First Quarter Peal Certificates to four more of its members: Jo Warren, Marina Hamilton, Carolyn Hall, and Elizabeth Ferguson. Their certificates were awarded at the recent Branch Practice which was being held at their home tower. 

Three of the quarters took place in February(Marina, Carolyn, Elizabeth) and Jo’s in April. 

They join fellow ringer Steve Forrest who rang his first quarter in November last year and was awarded his certificate at a previous occasion.

Elizabeth Ferguson being presented with her First Quarter Peal Certificate by Tim Phillips, Guild Treasurer and Branch Assistant Ringing Master.
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Book of the Month

Teaching Tips  Pip Penney – Central Council of Church Bell Ringers Education Committee. The introduction to this book states “Teaching tips is designed for any ringer starting to teach for the first

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New Guild Membership System

As you probably know, following an overwhelmingly positive vote at the recent AGM, our new Membership System, Membermojo, was formally adopted. All that’s left to do is for all members

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