Howard Page-Clark passed away peacefully on Saturday 8th July 2023 aged 70 years.
He took up bellringing following a request made in Church for new ringers to come and learn, despite having cancer and being somewhat frail. Howard was an eager pupil and successfully achieved his Level I of Learning the Ropes. He rang for Sunday Services whenever he could, and participated fully in the social life of the Tower.
He volunteered to help when we tolled the Tenor for Prince Philip by counting the strokes as he was not able to ring heavy bells, or for any length of time. It was with great sadness that he announced at the beginning of 2023 that his ringing days were over.
Loved by everyone who knew him, he will be very sadly missed but fondly remembered, not only as a Minister of Lytchett Minster and Upton Churches but as a multi talented, kind and wonderful man.
Steph Smith-Cooper
Tower Captain – Lytchett Minster