I write this as the sun streams through the window on the longest day of the year – at last summer has arrived and let’s hope it is here to stay for a while yet.
It was pleasing to see a large number of towers around the Guild joined in the ‘Ringing out for Peace’ – 80th Anniversary of D-Day Landings on June 6th, with 56 performances recorded on Bellboard. Thank you to all who participated. Congratulations to Lavinia and Peter for their service ringing debut at Sturminster Newton and others of you for who this was a first. Some of the footnotes recorded the ringing as being part of a community event generating interest from the locals. What better way to give some publicity to ringing and who knows it may have encouraged some to try it out for themselves.
Bertie, the ‘Go Bellistic’ mascot, with some of the Young Ringers, visited the National 12 bell final at Chilcompton on Saturday June 15th and soon, on July 6th, it will be their turn at the 13th Annual Ringing World National Youth Contest (RWNYC) in London. Besides ringing in the contest, the team will have the opportunity to ring at St Mary le Bow 41cwt 12, various other towers, mini rings and take part in a handbell workshop. We wish them well in the contest and hope they have a wonderful day under the watchful eye of Bertie. We look forward to hearing all about the day on their return. Thank you to Hilary Child in all that she does in preparing the youngsters for this event.
Looking ahead to August I hope to see many of you at the open day in aid of Llewellyn Edwards Bell Restoration Fund (LEBRF) on Saturday 17th August. This year the day is centred around Dorchester with the opportunity to ring at some towers rarely open and to conclude the day with the heaviest full circle of eight in the world at Sherborne Abbey. This is a good way for new ringers to experience a wide range of towers and bells and enjoy the lovely Dorset countryside while visiting some beautiful churches and ringing the bells. Full details of the day are available on the Guild website.
Please do continue to send your items of news for the website to keep it updated and interesting. Recently I visited Essex for the National AGM of the Ladies Guild and was talking to an experienced ringer from Yorkshire, she said ours is one of the best Guild websites. When I asked her what made her say this she replied, ‘whenever I look on it there is always something new to read.’ Well done to all and keep those contributions coming in. Send to email hidden; JavaScript is required
Enjoy the summer whatever you are planning and I hope to see many of you as I travel around the Guild.
Pat Davidson
Guild President