On a rain free day at the end of March, a full congregation of adults and children celebrated their Easter Sunday service. Conducted by the Reverend Daniel Ingles, the service was followed by an Easter egg hunt in the churchyard for the children present.
At the end of the service, a group of bell ringers, led by Gareth Evans, rang a quarter peal of grandsire doubles on the 6 bells housed in the tower (bb.ringingworld.co.uk). This was a special occasion as the recently refurbished bells were being rung for the first time.
Back in August last year, Nicholson Engineering began work on cleaning and painting the bell frame and inspection of the bell equipment. Two bells needed old staple stumps removing, a broken wheel on the 5th was replaced and clappers and bearings were overhauled. A new access runway and handrails was also fitted.
Records show that major maintenance work on the bells was last performed in the 1970’s.
All work on the 6 bells of St. Osmunds Church was managed by the Parochial Church Council and was financed by a generous donation from the Friends of St. Osmunds together with part of a legacy left to the Church by the late Peggy Macquire.
James Evans
Melbury Osmond PCC