The renewal of subscriptions using the Guild’s new Membership System is now in full swing and has been overwhelmingly successful. 1,283 members have renewed since 1st of January with many paying within the first few days of the month.
In addition to paying subs, many members took the opportunity to make additional donations: £400 for the LEBRF and £90 for the Young Ringers.
In contrast to previous years, this January the Guild’s bank account is very healthy – subscription income has reached £11,560, of which £2,293 is the Branch Share which will be paid to branch accounts on 1st February.
The convenience to pay subscriptions online has proved to be popular with 78% paying by card and 8% via internet banking with 7% via their tower or PCC.
Our provisions for members who don’t use the internet by enabling someone else to pay on their behalf using the Store has been used for 47 renewals, all paying by card.
Of course, some members don’t use the internet and we were very clear from the outset that online registration wouldn’t be obligatory for membership so it’s very pleasing that the (downloadable) paper form has been used by those who prefer it. It’s very easy for Branch Treasurers to process any non-internet registrations and renewals accompanied by a ten pound note just as in previous years.
If you haven’t yet paid your subscription for 2025 please do so at your earliest convenience (details here) or, if you’d prefer to pay in cash, give it to your TC or Branch Treasurer or Secretary.
Tim Phillips
Guild Treasurer