Saturday 17th February, by Zoom
We had a full agenda for our most recent Guild Executive meeting with much to discuss and I’m pleased to be able to share with you a summary of our proceedings. It is planned for this to become a regular feature following all our meetings so that the whole membership can be much better informed of what is being planned on behalf of our members.
We heard of plans for a lasting memorial to the late Eric Hitchins, a member for 80 years and at the time of his death our longest serving Vice President. The proposal is for the memorial to be an award for a young ringer (under the age of 25) in the form of paying for the attendance at one of the Residential Training Courses each year. The Committee was unanimously in favour of the proposal and agreed for this to go to the AGM in May for members approval. If approved the plan is to seek applications later this year and fund attendance at a course of the winner’s choice in 2025.
We formally agreed the appointment of Andy Waring from the West Dorset Branch as Acting Publicity Officer until the AGM at which point it is hoped to make the appointment permanent. It is encouraging to see the post filled again after such a long spell of it being vacant, please support Andy by sending snippets of news to him for publication on the website and in other places.
One of the main topics for discussion was the planned introduction of a membership database, MemberMojo, which crossed across several agenda items. The Way Forward Workgroup following the feedback received during the consultation period of the rule changes, presented two proposals, one with rule changes if the members agree to the introduction of a database and one if members do not agree. Likewise, the formalities required to be completed relating to the reviewed Data Privacy Policy and accompanying forms were discussed and members should receive details of this and action they need to take very shortly once one or two technical issues have been dealt with.
A report was given of progress in the Marlborough and West Dorset Branches relating to the trial of MemberMojo which was encouraging. Although there had been a few small problems experienced which were quickly sorted out, it appeared the system was working well in the trial and the Committee agreed to put a proposition to the AGM that it should be introduced across the Guild.
The Treasurer reported the Guild to be in a healthy financial position. There had been a significant increase in membership during the past year, with the Mere Branch seeing a 43% increase. Thanks and congratulations must be given to all those who have given up their time to teach and encourage these new members.
A workgroup led by Trish Hitchins had been working on a Welcome Pack for new members and presented an interim report. The Committee agreed to the ideas which were put forward and agreed a sum of money to be made available for the group to complete its work. We have been aware for a long time, whereas some branches welcome new members with training books and information about how the Guild and Branches operate, it is sadly lacking in other areas and this new Welcome Pack will fill these gaps and be available for all to use.
Due to a decrease of interest in books, especially as so much information is now available online, it was decided we should run down the bookstall stocks. We are to seek someone to write a short review of a “Book of the Month” which will be advertised on the website and in the Guild’s monthly newsletter with an incentive of free postage for the first few purchases. We hope over time this will enable the stocks to be substantiality reduced and then we can take a view on what remains and how it can be disposed of.
Concern was expressed as to whether the Guild’s Personal Accident Insurance was value for money. The premiums are increasing year on year and since it was introduced, we have never made a claim. Further work is to be carried out into this subject and a report prepared for the next Executive Committee meeting.
There were two members due for Honorary Life Membership who have each accrued fifty years membership, Ian Mozley from the Devizes Branch and Malcolm Corry from the East Dorset Branch, these names will go forward to the AGM for ratification.
Upcoming events for 2024 are:
- The Guild festival and AGM at Trowbridge on May 11th, please come along if you are able, enjoy the ringing at towers in the Devizes Branch, attend one of the morning workshops, come to the meeting and have your say, after all it is YOUR GUILD, join us at St James’, Trowbridge for the Festival Service, enjoy the tea, you can be assured of a very warm welcome. Interestingly this will be the 140th Guild AGM, the first of which was held at Trowbridge.
- Training Day on June 29th, taking place across the Guild, the Training Committee is working towards finalising details which will be published soon.
- The 6 and 8 bell Striking Competitions in September, these will be held relatively centrally within the Guild area depending on availability and suitability of towers. Details will be published shortly but please consider starting to practice now and entering a team.
Investigations are to be carried out as to how we can make meetings more accessible by using modern technology. This has become more urgent now The Channel Island Ringers are members and the cost of travelling to the mainland to attend meetings in person is prohibitive.
Our Young Ringers are again planning on entering the Ringing World National Youth Competition which will be held in London. As one of their fund-raising initiatives they will have a stall at the AGM, please come along and support them. It is very important we encourage our Young Ringers as much as we can as they are the future of ringing.
A brief report was given as to the current position of the LEBRF. There was £57,000 worth of grants approved to 12 churches in the Salisbury Diocese during 2023 which along with 2022 made these the highest granting years for the Charity. This exceptional financial situation was made largely possible by the Lucas Family Legacy, it is hoped members will continue to support the Charity financially to maintain the granting availability of the fund.
David Hacker, Vice President.